ห ห ษอออป ษอออป ห หอออป ษอออป ษออออ ษออป World Generator บ บ บ บ บ ฬออหผ บ บ ษอผ บ า ฬอออ บ ศป Version 1.22 ศอสอผ ศอออผ ส ส ศอออ สอผ ศอออผ ศออออ ส บ January 1989 อออ The อ World อ Processor อออออออออออออออออผ This program is designed to produce solar systems for SF role playing games, but is not directly based on the rules of any one game. WORLDGEN.EXE Requires an IBM PC or compatible with CGA graphics, RGB monitor, and DOS 2.0 or later. It was originally written in Turbo Pascal version 3.1, but is now re-written for Turbo Pascal 4. Full source code is supplied if you register your program; registered users will also be sent version 2.00 when it is ready (probably middle 1989). This program performs a lot of disk access; unless you modify the source code, it will assume that instructions and the file for this title section are on the same disk as the program. Copyright Marcus L. Rowland 1987, 1988, 1989 User registration œ5.00 or $10.00 from Marcus L. Rowland, 22 Westbourne Park Villas, London W2 5EA, ENGLAND